As we look ahead to 2024, we invite you to consider your level of giving. At Gloria Dei, we believe that everyone plays a crucial part in our community. Faith Matters.
Adult Education
“Go therefore and make disciples….teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you…”
Matthew 28:19-20
We all need people to dig deeper with.
Something happens when people dig deep into God’s word together. Faith is strengthened, hearts are healed, and lives are changed. Come together to dig deeper into a book in the Scriptures, tackle an important topic of the Christian faith, or learn from another person of faith about some deeply personal faith experience.
Faith is caught and taught.
“I do not seek to understand in order that I may believe, but rather I believe in order that I may understand.” St Anselm (early Christian theologian)
We believe and trust that the Holy Spirit creates faith in us, first through baptism and Holy Communion. We then grow in faith and understanding. With the gift of faith from the Holy Spirit, we seek to understand the God who gave us this gift.
Find what works for you.
Head over to our Signups and Happenings page or browse our calendar below to find an opportunity that works for you. Need help figuring out what works? Fill out our contact form and someone will be in touch very soon.
Click on the title of the event to see more information, get signed up, or find the email contact for the staff person or volunteer who can give you more information.