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Welcome to Gloria Dei; we are glad you are here!

It’s our confession that the Holy Spirit draws us in so that we can know the love and grace of Jesus. Wherever your life is right now, trust that today, God gives you these gifts.

We’d love to meet you! Stop by the Welcome Center, or make an introduction at

(Bulletin contents updated weekly by 5pm, Saturdays.)

In our Made For series, this week we hear some declarations. You are salt, you are light, you are made for good works. You are Made For Serving! A command? A promise? A reality: we are what God has
made us.

Order of Service | 5:00 pm

Welcome & Song: “Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me”


Confession & Forgiveness

Song: “Made For More”

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:8-10

Gospel Reading: Matthew 5:13-16

Song: “Lord Let My Heart Be Good Soil” | WOV 713

Sermon: Made for Serving

Song: “Lord Whose Love In Humble Service” | LBW 432 & Offering:

Apostles’ Creed


Sacrament of Holy Communion and Song: “They’ll Know We Are Christians”

Benediction & Song: “Grace Is On Our Side”


Preaching Pastor: Heidi Binstock

In our Made For series, this week we hear some declarations. You are salt, you are light, you are made for good works. You are Made For Serving! A command? A promise? A reality: we are what God has
made us.

Order of Service | 5:00 pm

Welcome & Song: “Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me”


Confession & Forgiveness

Song: “Made For More”

Children’s Message

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:8-10

Gospel Reading: Matthew 5:13-16

Special Music: “You Are My All In All,” arr. Bill Ingram | Bell Trio

Sermon: Made for Serving

Song: “Lord Whose Love In Humble Service” | LBW 432 & Offering:

Apostles’ Creed


Lord’s Prayer

Benediction & Song: “Grace Is On Our Side”


Preaching Pastor: Heidi Binstock

Welcome Pastor: Chris Zuraff

9:00 Presiding Pastor: Chris Zuraff

10:30 Presiding Pastor: Sarah Goldammer

After escaping the Egyptian army, Miriam and the other women led the Israelites in a song to praise God, teaching the Israelites that, as God’s chosen people, they were made for praise and worship. We too have been chosen by God and called to praise God.

Welcome Song: “Stand In Your Love”


Confession & Forgiveness

Song: “Thy Word”

Gospel Reading: Luke 15:1-10


Song: “Amazing Grace” | LBW 448 & Offering:

Apostles’ Creed


Lord’s Prayer


Benediction & Song: “Made For More”


Preaching Pastor: Chris Zuraff

Gather, Grow, Give, and GO!

Take time to be nourished and visit with your fellow Gloria Dei-ers, with Sunday breakfast (pancakes, bacon, and fruit) served by the Men’s Bible Study. Suggested donation is $5 per plate.


Congratulations and God’s Blessings to:

  • Alexander and Tracy Richter who welcomed Vienna Marigold Richter on August 20
  • Kiana and Timothy Wood who welcomed Savannah Mae Wood on July 15

Sympathies and God’s Peace to:

  • Linda Siebenborn and family on the death of her mother Velma M. Wege on August 26

Care is a core value of our church community; if you are going into the hospital, have experienced a loss, or have other care concerns, let our Congregational Care team know so that they can pray for you and reach out to you. Call the church or email


Find details on the current happenings and sign up for volunteer  opportunities or fellowship events on our website,, Look for the Church Life heading on the website, and click on the  “Sign Ups & Happenings” title from the dropdown. Questions? call the church office at 605-371-3737. 

  • Library Used Book Fundraiser Looking for your next great read? Our library is having a book sale! Head over to check out their inventory and snag a book or three, with a free-will offering with all funds going  to the library’s upkeep.

  • GO:The Banquet Serve the Sioux Falls community with Gloria Dei! On Thursday, October 10, prepare and/or serve a meal to those in need. Three options are available: Prepare food from 2-5pm or 2:45-5pm, or serve the meal from 5:15-8pm. We hope to see you there!

    GO:Neighborhood Soccer For six Saturday mornings this fall, Gloria Dei and area churches are partnering with Neighborhood Soccer to give kids an opportunity to play soccer, meet other neighborhood children, and enjoy a meal afterwards! Help keep the mornings running smoothly at Meldrum Park, either by checking kids in or serving lunch; more details online.

  • Fall Membership Sessions New to Gloria Dei? Been here a while but haven’t made things official? Sign up for our fall membership classes! The class is broken into two sessions; Sun, Sept 15 from 9-10am OR Wed, Sept18 from 5-6pm, and Sun, Sept 22 OR Wed, Sept 25 at the same times. Have questions? Ask Pastor Amy in-person or at

  • Bloodmobile The Bloodmobile returns to Gloria Dei on Sunday, September 22! “Give blood, give life” by signing up on our website and help those in need. Your donation may save a life!

  • Free Balance Screenings Check your balance on Sunday, September 29! We’ll have a station in the Office Commons for you to get screened to make sure you’ve still got it! Swing by before or after the service you usually come to.

  • Brewed Theology Join us this fall for 12 weeks of crafted conversations around the tables at The Barrel House, Wednesdays at 7pm. Grab some friends, find a table, order a drink of your choice, and have a guided conversation around topics where faith and culture intersect. Gloria Dei pastors will be around to greet you, give you the guided conversation material, and share a pint! No need to sign up, but we’d love to get a text/email list of those who are interested so we can communicate with you about the opportunities and any weather-related cancellations.

Stewardship |  September 11 / 14 / 15

Attendance Total: 1489

  • In-Person
    • Wed 6:00pm, 348
    • Sat 5:00pm, 109
    • Sun 9:00am, 571
    • Sun 10:30am, 223
  • Livestream
    • Sun 9:00am, 238

Offering Weekly: $44,259 | YTD Total: $1,514,773 | YTD Budget: $1,765,385

September Outreach Ministry of the Month: Charis Ministry Partners


Did You Know?

Know someone going through a difficult time who could use a home-cooked meal? We offer free meals for anyone in need of some comfort food! Freezer meals are available in the kitchen. Not sure where to go? Ask a kitchen team member, or contact Pastor Amy or Jessica Kruse, our Faith Community Nurse, and they will assist you.

As we look ahead to 2024, we invite you to consider your level of giving. At Gloria Dei, we believe that everyone plays a crucial part in our community. Faith Matters.

Christmas at Gloria Dei

Join us for Christmas Eve at Gloria Dei on Saturday, December 23 and Sunday, December 24. Find worship times and information about everything happening this Advent and Christmas season