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Welcome to Gloria Dei; we are glad you are here!

It’s our confession that the Holy Spirit draws us in so that we can know the love and grace of Jesus. Wherever your life is right now, trust that today, God gives you these gifts.

We’d love to meet you! Stop by the Welcome Center, or make an introduction at

(Bulletin contents updated weekly by 5pm, Saturdays.)

In today’s Gospel Reading, Jesus faces intense temptations from the devil. Jesus resists, and in so doing, shows his power over sin, death, and the devil. Temptation is real. It is a mistake to deny the reality of the devil and evil in our world, trying to pull us away from the ways of God. What temptations do you face? As you stay focused on Christ, you receive power to resist. But even more so, Jesus gives the promise of forgiveness to set us once again on a good and life-giving path.

Welcome + Song: “Reckless Love”


Confession + Forgiveness

Song: “Goodness of God”

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:12-14

Song: “On Eagle’s Wings” | LBW 779

Gospel Reading: Luke 4:1-13

Sermon: Saying NO to an Even Better YES

Song: “Lord I Need You” + Offering:

Apostles’ Creed


Sacrament of Holy Communion + Song: “Shepherd Me, O God”

Benediction & Song: “God So Loved”


Preaching Pastor: Tim Selbo

In today’s Gospel Reading, Jesus faces intense temptations from the devil. Jesus resists, and in so doing, shows his power over sin, death, and the devil. Temptation is real. It is a mistake to deny the reality of the devil and evil in our world, trying to pull us away from the ways of God. What temptations do you face? As you stay focused on Christ, you receive power to resist. But even more so, Jesus gives the promise of forgiveness to set us once again on a good and life-giving path.

Welcome + Song: “Reckless Love”


Confession + Forgiveness

Song: “Goodness of God”

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:12-14

Children’s Message

Song: “On Eagle’s Wings” | LBW 779

Gospel Reading: Luke 4:1-13

Special Music: “Abide With Me,” arr. Sandra Eithun | Bell Trio

Sermon: Saying NO to an Even Better YES

Song: “Lord I Need You” + Offering:

Apostles’ Creed


Lord’s Prayer

Benediction & Song: “God So Loved”


Preaching Pastor: Tim Selbo

Welcome Pastor: Sarah Goldammer

9:00 Presiding Pastor: Tim Selbo

10:30 Presiding Pastor: Heidi Binstock

In today’s Gospel Reading, Jesus faces intense temptations from the devil. Jesus resists, and in so doing, shows his power over sin, death, and the devil. Temptation is real. It is a mistake to deny the reality of the devil and evil in our world, trying to pull us away from the ways of God. What temptations do you face? As you stay focused on Christ, you receive power to resist. But even more so, Jesus gives the promise of forgiveness to set us once again on a good and life-giving path.

Welcome + Song: “Reckless Love”


Confession + Forgiveness

Song: “Goodness of God”

Sacrament of Holy Baptism + Song: “On Eagle’s Wings” | LBW 779

Today, we celebrate that Charlotte Ann Johnson, child of Pete Johnson and Paige Rockafellow, and Ella Rose Senst, child of Violet and Connor Senst, are baptized.

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:12-14

Gospel Reading: Luke 4:1-13

Special Music: “Abide With Me,” arr. Sandra Eithun | Bell Trio

Sermon: Saying NO to an Even Better YES

Song: “Lord I Need You” + Offering:


Lord’s Prayer

Benediction & Song: “God So Loved”


Preaching Pastor: Tim Selbo

Welcome Pastor: Sarah Goldammer

9:00 Presiding Pastor: Tim Selbo

10:30 Presiding Pastor: Heidi Binstock

In the church year, the season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, a service that centers on hearing the call to repent and turn to God, who is slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love, and never wearies of giving mercy. Ashes are a sign of repentance and a return to our baptismal promise that our life is in Christ.

Welcome + Announcements

Call to Confession + Song: “Beneath the Cross of Jesus” | LBW 107

Invitation to Lent

Confession + Forgiveness

Song: “What Wondrous Love Is This” | LBW 385

Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10


Song: “10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)” + Offering:

The Great Thanksgiving

Sacrament of Holy Communion, Imposition of Ashes, + Song: “Give Me Jesus” | WOV 777

Benediction & Song: “How Great Thou Art” | LBW 532

Preaching Pastor: Heidi Binstock

Gather, Grow, Give, and GO!

Take time to be nourished and visit with your fellow Gloria Dei-ers, with Sunday breakfast served by Gloria Dei volunteers. Suggested donation is $5 per plate.


Congratulations and God’s Blessings to:

  • Alli and Elijah Orr who welcomed Isabelle Grace Orr on January 27

  • Jenna and Tucker Gassman who welcomed Lennon Daniel Gassman and Lettie Jane Gassman on January 31

  • Erin and Thomas Johnson on the baptism of Charlotte Ann Johnson on March 9

  • Connor and Violet Senst on the baptism of Ella Rose Senst on March 9

Sympathies and God’s Peace to:

  • Wayne (Barbara) Nielsen and family on the death of his sister Beth Breen on March 1
  • Jon Voight and Jeanine Reaves and families, on the death of their wife and mother Dorothy Voight on March 2

Care is a core value of our church community; if you are going into the hospital, have experienced a loss, or have other care concerns, let our Congregational Care team know so that they can pray for you and reach out to you. Call the church or email


Find details on the current happenings and sign up for volunteer  opportunities or fellowship events on our website,, Look for the Church Life heading on the website, and click on the “Sign Ups & Happenings” title from the dropdown. Questions? call the church office at 605-371-3737. 

  • “Deep in Faith, Wide in Outreach” Capital Campaign To prepare for our future, Gloria Dei has launched a capital campaign. Hear more about the priorities and details of the campaign by signing up for a visit (using the QR code or sign up at the Welcome Center) or join some of our visitors in the chapel on Sunday mornings, from 10-10:30. All gifts make a difference and every member is invited to participate!

  • GO:The Banquet Join in fellowship with Gloria Dei-ers and those in the Sioux Falls area in need by serving at the Banquet on Thursday, March 13. Options for meal prep include an “early bird” session from 2-5pm, as well as an option from 2:45-5pm. A meal-serving option is also available from 5:15-8pm. Be the hands and feet of Christ in this impactful way!

  • Spring Membership Sessions New to Gloria Dei and want to officially join? Been here a while but haven’t become a member yet? Come to our membership sessions to learn more about this church and make things official! Two membership sessions are offered: Session 1 is Sunday, March 9 from 9-10am OR Wednesday, March 12 from 5-6pm; Session 2 is Sunday, March 16 from 9-10am OR Wednesday, March 19 from 5-6pm. Questions? Contact Pastor Amy at

  • Lent Walking Challenge Our annual Lent Walking Challenge returns tomorrow! Join us as we walk 40 miles (or more) in 40 days. To join the challenge, contact our Faith Community Nurse Jessica Kruse at your blood pressure checked this morning.

  • “Made” Discipleship Intensive Participants (called Apprentices) will follow a 6-month long blueprint of intentional study and hands-on apprenticeship into the way of Jesus with Pastor Chris. Apprentices will gather weekly with 5-10 others who have committed to the intensive. Through biblical study and hands-on experiences, each apprentice is further “made” into a disciple of the living Jesus Christ. At the end of the intensive, you’ll be invited to consider how you might follow the call to Christian discipleship in your own life.

  • Check’n on the Second Every second Sunday of the month, we offer free blood pressure screenings by the Welcome Center! Swing on by to get your blood pressure checked this morning.

  • Stewardship | February 26 / March 1 / 2

Attendance Total: 1557

  • In-Person
    • Wed 6:00pm, 167
    • Sat 5:00pm, 135
    • Sun 9:00am, 570
    • Sun 10:30am, 409
  • Livestream
    • Sun 9:00am, 276


  • Weekly: $34,444
  • YTD Actual: $459,262
  • YTD Budgeted: $460,904

March Outreach Ministry of the Month: Call to Freedom

2025 Q1 Change for Change Ministry: Lunch Is Served

As we look ahead to 2024, we invite you to consider your level of giving. At Gloria Dei, we believe that everyone plays a crucial part in our community. Faith Matters.

Christmas at Gloria Dei

Join us for Christmas Eve at Gloria Dei on Saturday, December 23 and Sunday, December 24. Find worship times and information about everything happening this Advent and Christmas season