As we look ahead to 2024, we invite you to consider your level of giving. At Gloria Dei, we believe that everyone plays a crucial part in our community. Faith Matters.
Welcome to Gloria Dei; we are glad you are here!
It’s our confession that the Holy Spirit draws us in so that we can know the love and grace of Jesus. Wherever your life is right now, trust that today, God gives you these gifts.
We’d love to meet you! Stop by the Welcome Center, or make an introduction at
(Bulletin contents updated weekly by 5pm, Saturdays.)
The people of Nazareth, Jesus’ hometown, love it when Jesus gets up to read Scripture and preach in their local Jewish synagogue. However, when he reminds these people of Israel of a couple of Gentiles, or foreigners, who also received mercy and healing from God, they became angry and irate. Why is it that we humans sometimes have a hard time with others who may be different than us also receiving God’s mercy and healing? Where is it that we can find forgiveness, new attitudes, and new life?
Welcome + Song: “Jesus Shall Reign” | LBW 530
Confession + Forgiveness
Song: “Holy Song”
Gospel Reading: Luke 4:21-30
Song: “Be Thou My Vision” | WOV 776
Sermon: A Word From The Lord
Song: “Ancient of Days” + Offering:
Apostles’ Creed
Sacrament of Holy Communion + Special Music: “Keep the Feast” | Praise Team
Benediction & Song: “Made for More”
Preaching Pastor: Tim Selbo
The people of Nazareth, Jesus’ hometown, love it when Jesus gets up to read Scripture and preach in their local Jewish synagogue. However, when he reminds these people of Israel of a couple of Gentiles, or foreigners, who also received mercy and healing from God, they became angry and irate. Why is it that we humans sometimes have a hard time with others who may be different than us also receiving God’s mercy and healing? Where is it that we can find forgiveness, new attitudes, and new life?
Welcome + Song: “Jesus Shall Reign” | LBW 530
Confession + Forgiveness
Song: “Holy Song”
Children’s Message
Song: “Be Thou My Vision” | WOV 776
Gospel Reading: Luke 4:21-30
Special Music: “In Faith the Triumph,” Jason Krug | Gloria Dei Bell Choir
Sermon: A Word From The Lord
Song: “Ancient of Days” + Offering:
Apostles’ Creed
Sacrament of Holy Communion + Special Music: “Keep the Feast” | Praise Team
Benediction & Song: “Made for More”
Preaching Pastor: Tim Selbo
Welcome Pastor: Sarah Goldammer
9:00 Presiding Pastor: Sarah Goldammer
10:30 Presiding Pastor: Heidi Binstock
The people of Nazareth, Jesus’ hometown, love it when Jesus gets up to read Scripture and preach in their local Jewish synagogue. However, when he reminds these people of Israel of a couple of Gentiles, or foreigners, who also received mercy and healing from God, they became angry and irate. Why is it that we humans sometimes have a hard time with others who may be different than us also receiving God’s mercy and healing? Where is it that we can find forgiveness, new attitudes, and new life?
Welcome + Song: “Jesus Shall Reign” | LBW 530
Confession + Forgiveness
Song: “Holy Song”
Sacrament of Holy Baptism + Song: “You Are Mine”
Today, we celebrate that Graham Gregory Warzecha, child of Madison and Logan Warzecha, is baptized.
Gospel Reading: Luke 4:21-30
Special Music: “In Faith the Triumph,” Jason Krug | Gloria Dei Bell Choir
Sermon: A Word From The Lord
Song: “Ancient of Days” + Offering:
Sacrament of Holy Communion + Special Music: “Keep the Feast” | Praise Team
Benediction & Song: “Made for More”
Preaching Pastor: Tim Selbo
Welcome Pastor: Sarah Goldammer
9:00 Presiding Pastor: Sarah Goldammer
10:30 Presiding Pastor: Heidi Binstock
God’s Word has a way of pointing us ahead. Some day, says God, there will be a time when the lion lies down with the lamb and the whole world will be redeeemed! God’s Word points us to a day when all will be well and in this we find hope. But there is an immediacy to God’s Word, too, especially when it involves Word Made Flesh. In the season of Epiphany, tonight’s readings reveal the work of God to be here and now.
Opening Song: “The Church’s One Foundation” | LBW 369
Confession + Forgiveness: LBW pg. 56
Song: “Rock of Ages” (refrain only)
Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 8:1-10 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Gospel Reading: Luke 4:14-21
Song: “How Low Was Our Redeemer Brought” + Offering:
Apostles’ Creed: LBW pg. 65
Lord’s Prayer: LBW pg. 71
Benediction & Song: “When Peace, like a River” | LBW 346
Preaching Pastor: Heidi Binstock
Gather, Grow, Give, and GO!
Take time to be nourished and visit with your fellow Gloria Dei-ers, with Sunday breakfast (breakfast bowls) served by Gloria Dei’s High School Youth Group. Suggested donation is $5 per plate.
Congratulations and God’s Blessings to:
Logan and Madison Warzecha on the baptism of Graham Gregory Warzecha on February 2
Emily Punt and Nick Backman who welcomed Mila Grace Backman on January 2
Aaron and Melissa Sherman who welcomed Quinn Lucille Sherman on January 11
Care is a core value of
Care is a core value of our church community; if you are going into the hospital, have experienced a loss, or have other care concerns, let our Congregational Care team know so that they can pray for you and reach out to you. Call the church or email
Find details on the current happenings and sign up for volunteer opportunities or fellowship events on our website,, Look for the Church Life heading on the website, and click on the “Sign Ups & Happenings” title from the dropdown. Questions? call the church office at 605-371-3737.
“Deep in Faith, Wide in Outreach” Capital Campaign This week, Gloria Dei is launching our capital campaign to the entire congregation. We’ll discuss this during worship; we also invite and encourage every household to schedule a visit with a member of our campaign team to learn more and discuss what that means for you! To sign up for a visit AND/OR to volunteer to conduct a visit, sign up online, or stop by the Welcome Center!
California Wildfire Assistance Lutheran Disaster Relief is accepting donations to help those affected by the devastating wildfires in California and partnering with local organizations on the ground who can provide direct support. If you feel called to give to help those impacted, head to our Signups and Happenings page, visit the link in last week’s Friday Followings, or visit the Lutheran Disaster Response website directly.
GO:Food to You Serve food to members of the Sioux Falls community who are in need! Through February 5, we’re collecting pasta at the bins by the south doors. Then on February 6, join us at East Side Lutheran Church to serve the food; serve either from 4:15-7pm or 5:15-7pm!
Spiritual Growth Group: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry Is your hurried life the ‘great enemy’ of your spiritual life? Join the Spiritual Growth Group’s winter session studying The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. Thursdays at noon, Feb 13-20. Books available to purchase ($12) in the office. Contact Pastor Chris with questions. Jesus says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.
GO:Laundry with Love We’re serving at Laundry with Love on Tuesday, February 25! In the lead up, we’re hosting a friendly competition between the congregation and each grade of our Confirmation classes (6th, 7th, and 8th grades). At the Welcome Center, put your spare change in your group’s designated bucket, and we’ll track the totals each week to see who can donate the most money to this ministry. These funds will go to help people do laundry at our Laundry with Love event.
Stewardship | January 22 / 25 / 26
Attendance Total: 1401
- In-Person
- Wed 6:00pm, 251
- Sat 5:00pm, 90
- Sun 9:00am, 481
- Sun 10:30am, 286
- Livestream
- Sun 9:00am, 286
- Weekly: $26,388
- YTD Actual: $219,245
- YTD Budgeted: $204,846
February Outreach Ministry of the Month: St. Dysmas Prison Ministry