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The Cross on Our Foreheads

Dear Gloria Dei,

This coming Wednesday (March 5) is Ash Wednesday. During our worship together (Noon and 6:00 p.m.) we will all come forward to receive the sign of the cross, marked with ashes, on our foreheads. A few years ago, someone asked me, “When am I supposed to remove the ashes? Is it right after the service? Is it when I get home? Do I sleep with the ashes on my forehead? Should I wear the cross to work the next day? What is the proper etiquette for the removal of the ashen cross?”

Not a bad question. We talked a bit and I think she went home knowing that when the time was right, she’d know. Yet as I think about it, you and I, as baptized followers of Christ, have the mark of the cross permanently “tattooed” on our foreheads. It’s just as we sing in verse 3 of that great hymn, Lift High the Cross:  “All newborn soldiers of the Crucified bear on their brows the seal of him who died.”

The cross serves as a dual reminder of both the brevity and fragility of life — “From dust you were made and to dust you shall return” –while at the same time being a sign of beauty and victory. Through the saving work of Christ on the cross, and through faith in him, we have abundant and eternal life.

A Few Other Items

  • Gloria Dei is turning 40. Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 4. Planning is underway for a special celebration worship on that day (that weekend) to thank God for the ministry that has happened at Gloria Dei over these past 40 years, and to be inspired to keep the Good News of Jesus front and center as Gloria Dei moves into the future. Happy 40th Birthday, Gloria Dei. More details to come very soon.
  • You may have seen these results from our Super Bowl Challenge on the screens in worship, but I failed to mention the totals in my Friday Followings. Back on February 9th, Super Bowl Sunday, you all voted for either the Eagles or Chiefs with your contributions to our “Change for Change” baskets. Of course, we know now that the Eagles won the game. And guess what, Gloria Dei? You picked the winner. The Eagles basket had a total of $191.65 and the Chiefs came in at $136.62. I keep waiting for a Vikings Basket to appear, but as they say, “There’s Always Next Year.” Thank you for your contributions. The money raised went to “Lunch is Served”. And through the year in our Change for Change baskets contribute thousands to support hunger ministries in our city, state, and around the world. In 2024 the Change for Change baskets totaled $4515 which, in addition to “Lunch is Served”, went to “Feeding South Dakota”, “Feed My Starving Children”, and the “ELCA World Hunger Appeal.” Thank you, Gloria Dei.
  • You also contributed over these past weeks to the “Laundry with Love” ministry by donating quarters to assist in this important mission. We made it a contest between the confirmation grades and the congregation. The eighth graders won the good-natured competition, but the real winners were all of you who donated, those who assisted, and those who received needed help. Everyone benefited. The combined total for our 6th, 7th, and 8th graders was $1136.95 and the congregation came in at $731.13, for a total of $1868.08. We also collected approximately 2000 laundry pods. A great group of volunteers assisted in providing 479 loads of laundry and 120 meals served. Way to go, Gloria Dei.

See you in worship. For this weekend, please read Luke 9:28-36.

Pastor Tim

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