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A Call to Live in Peace with One Another

Hello Gloria Dei,

I hope and pray this summer finds you doing well and that you’ve been able to spend time either at home or traveling with some vacation and family time.

The shooting this past Saturday of former President Trump and the attempt to take his life has rattled and saddened all of us. We are grateful that this attempt was not successful and that he is doing well. We certainly keep President Trump, his family, all of those at the rally, and the friends of family of those who were killed and/or injured that night, in our heartfelt prayers.

As Christians, we follow the one who is called the “Prince of Peace”. I served as an Associate Pastor at a church in Phoenix for four years which was named “Prince of Peace Lutheran Church”. We strive, as much as is possible for us, to bring about peace and harmony. I encourage all of you, as another election cycle ramps up and the sometimes-hurtful rhetoric at times rears its ugly head, to do what you can to foster the peace, harmony, and unity to which Jesus calls us.

One of my favorite books of the Bible is Paul’s letter to the Romans. In it, he begins in the early chapters to show that all of us are sinners who fall short of the glory of God. No one is exempt. Not me. Not you. We are all in need of a Savior. In the next few chapters, he tells of the great news of God’s saving grace, centered in Jesus Christ. By virtue of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, and by faith in him, we are restored and reborn through the forgiveness of sin. It is our most cherished gift.

And then comes Romans chapter 12. It is one of my favorite chapters in all of Scripture. Having been saved by grace through faith, Paul calls us not to be conformed to this world and its sometimes-hateful ways, but rather to be transformed by the renewing of our minds in the ways of Jesus. He calls us to love one another, and to outdo one another in showing honor to others. He asks us to live in harmony with each other and to not seek revenge. And he says it is best to be humble, not thinking that you are better or smarter than others.

Romans chapter 12 is maybe the best summation of how Jesus calls us to live in families, in church communities, in our society, and in our world. I invite you to read it and to keep it close at hand. And then, take what you read and put it into practice.

This weekend in worship we conclude our series: “A Judge, A King, and A Prophet”. As we focus on the prophet Isaiah, you are invited to read Isaiah 55:1-13 in preparation.

See you in worship,

Pastor Tim

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