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A Judge, A King, and A Prophet

Hello Gloria Dei,

A Judge, a King, and a Prophet. I know, I know, it sounds like the start of a corny joke. Use your imagination and let me know what you come up with. In reality, this is the title of our current three-week sermon series. This past weekend, Pastor Heidi led us off with a look at Gideon, one of the Old Testament judges, as told in the book of Judges.

After the period of the Judges, the people of Israel wanted to have a king. Why? Mostly because they saw other nations with kings, and so they asked God to have a king. God told them that they really didn’t need a king, because He was their King. God would lead them. But the people insisted, and God allowed it. Saul was the first king of Israel, followed by David, and then came David’s son, Solomon. Solomon’s story can be found in parts of 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, and 2 Chronicles.

This weekend in worship, I’ll be doing a bit of a teaching sermon, telling the story of King Solomon and then looking at some practical applications for us in our lives. Next week the focus will be on the prophet Isaiah.

Much of the time we preach on texts from the New Testament, particularly from the four gospels, which tell of the life and ministry of Jesus. And this is appropriate. Yet, it is good for us to know and be reminded of what God was doing back in the Old Testament. The judges, the kings, and the prophets are all important pieces in the overall story of God’s salvation, which is ultimately centered in the cross and resurrection of Jesus. The biblical story is one of a God who loves you, forgives you, restores your relationship with him, and sends you out to impact this world with words and deeds that tell of God’s love.

See you in worship as we hear the story of King Solomon.

Pastor Tim

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