Hello Gloria Dei,
I’ve told you before that one of my vivid childhood memories is waking up many mornings and seeing my mom sitting on the living room couch with a blanket, a hot cup of tea, and her Bible. It instilled in me and my siblings the importance of being in the Word.
The theme for this weekend is “Made to Be in God’s Word”. Whether it be through personal bible reading, or attending a Bible Study, or through the preaching each week, ask yourself this week, “What difference does God’s Word make in my life?” “How do the things I read about Jesus influence the way I live my life?” “How does God’s Word, described in Scripture as a two-edged sword, both convict me of sin but also set me free from the power of sin?”
I look forward to preaching on this theme of “Made for Being in God’s Word”.
Another faith/church memory from my childhood is that every Saturday night I would see an offering envelope sitting on my parents’ dresser, prepared and ready to bring to church the next morning. I didn’t know the amount written on the check inside, but I came to know that my parents were very generous to the work of Christ through their local church, and that while they sacrificed, they counted it a joy to support the church with their time, talent, and treasure.
I ask that you pray about your level of giving to the Gloria Dei ministry plan for 2025 by filling out an Estimate of Giving (Pledge) card for our work together in the coming year. It is very helpful to our church council as they plan our ministry budget. But more than that, our giving is in response to the gifts God has provided for us. God is creator and owner of all we are and all we have. We are simply called to be faithful caretakers of what God has entrusted to us. Giving is an important part of our faith in Jesus.
This fall at Gloria Dei we will not be handing out Pledge (Estimate of Giving) cards in order to bring them forward in worship. Rather, we’ve been making them available electronically and at the church. If you haven’t already, please make your 2025 General Fund Pledge this weekend or as soon as you are able. You can use this link, or go to our website, or fill out a card at the Welcome Center when you come to worship. Thanks for your partnership in ministry.
See you in worship,
Pastor Tim