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Hello Gloria Dei,

Some of you had the delightful experience in your Middle School years of going through confirmation instruction. Some of you did not have confirmation but may have had Sunday School or other Christian learning experiences.

What do you remember about those experiences? I went through confirmation in my 7th and 8th grade years. I remember the two pastors who taught it (one of them was my father). I remember the classrooms we met in at the church. I remember some of the other students. Like at Gloria Dei, we had rather large classes, so some were very good friends, others were acquaintances.

I remember we had monthly tests given by the pastor over biblical and catechetical materials. And I remember that in the eighth-grade year, we had homework. We were to read one chapter of the New Testament every day – seven chapters per week – and we were required to turn in summaries of each chapter. So, in the eighth grade, we all read and summarized every chapter in the New Testament. Tests and homework were graded. Lorrie, my wife, was one year younger than me, so she did the same thing one year later. She got better grades from my father than I did.

I also remember my confirmation Bible verse: Proverbs 3:5-6. It says this, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths.” I can honestly say that I have relied on that verse in every major decision (and many not so major decisions) I’ve made throughout my lifetime.

Confirmation, while it may seem laborious for students at times (I admit it did for me sometimes), makes an incredible impact. It did for me. Growing up in the church and having a solid foundation of faith blesses a person literally forever.

Over these next two weekends 77 ninth graders will confirm their faith and affirm their baptismal promises. It is a celebration for them. Knowing that God says “Yes” to them, they respond with a vibrant “Yes” to trusting in Christ for their life and their salvation. They say “Yes” and “Amen” to the great promises God makes to them.

Yet confirmation is also a celebration for you and this entire congregation. All of us, in one way or another, have made an impact on these young people. Through the giving of your time, talent, and treasure, you are having an eternal impact on countless numbers of lives, for the sake of Jesus. Thank you! That’s worth celebrating.

So come to worship this weekend and next as we join in the celebration of our young people confirming their faith in God our Creator, Jesus our Savior, and the Holy Spirit our guide and counselor.

See you in worship,

Pastor Tim

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