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Holy Encounters

Over these past two weeks all five pastors at Gloria Dei have been meeting with our 9th Grade confirmation students. Later in October, these young people will be affirming the baptismal promises God has made to them.

As part of our meetings, we ask the students how they have been growing in their Christian faith. We ask, “How is God meeting you in your life?” “What difference does faith in Christ make in your daily living?” “How and to whom is God calling you to be a witness for Christ?” “How does this play out in your life?”

I love these conversations. They enable us to talk about God having what I like to call, “Holy Encounters” with us.

At our recent Men’s Retreat, we spoke together of similar questions. Just as Jesus met his disciples and called them to follow, how is God calling us to follow? Just as Jesus met the woman at the well and her life was changed, how does Jesus meet us and change us? Just as Jesus appeared, walking on the water, and alleviated the disciples’ fears, how does Jesus meet us in our fears? And when has Jesus invited us to take a leap of faith, like he did with Peter, and “come out of the boat and walk on water?”

I encourage you to ask yourself and your family these and other questions. It is important for us to know that Jesus still has “Holy Encounters” with us today.

How does your faith make a difference in your life? What are some of the events in your life that have shaped, challenged, and strengthened your faith? Which people have been instrumental in your life of faith? How and where does God meet you today? To whom is Jesus calling you to serve and give witness to Christ?

In 1 Peter 3:15, Peter says “Always be ready to give an answer to anyone who demands from you and accounting of the hope that is in you.”

Asking and answering the questions we discuss with the confirmands and the questions we pondered on our Men’s Retreat helps us in fulfilling what 1 Peter says. As Christ-followers it is essential that we know, and tell, our faith stories, always being ready to share the hope that is within us.

The Good News is that Jesus still has “Holy Encounters” with us every day. Live your life seeing with eyes of faith how Jesus is meeting you, comforting you, forgiving you, calming your fears, calling you, equipping you, and sending you.

Be blessed in your faith journey.

A couple of reminders: In addition to the Women’s Bible studies on Wed and Thursday mornings, and the Men’s Bible Study on Wed mornings, we’ve begun again the Thursday evening Bible study on the first and third Thursday evenings of each month. We meet in the Office Commons area from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

We are in need of volunteers to serve at the Banquet on Thursday, October 12. Please see Sign Ups & Happenings to get information about times and details. This is a wonderful example of faith being active in love.

This weekend, September 30 – October 1, is Mission Haiti Sponsorship weekend and you’ll have an opportunity to learn more in worship or by stopping by the Mission Haiti kiosk in the Gathering Space.

For this week’s worship services, please read the story of Jesus’ Holy Encounter with Zacchaeus, found in Luke 19:1-10.

See you in worship,

Pastor Tim

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