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Nursery Ministry: It’s Important and You are Needed

“More and more people are connecting with the good news of Jesus in and through this place. As such, we have a continuing need for volunteers in all areas of the church’s life together. And it is a privilege for all of us to serve.”

Hello Gloria Dei, 

I love the humorous story about a new congregation who had just gotten into their first church building. The people wanted to put a plaque with a Bible passage in the different places of their newly constructed church building. For some places it was easy to decide. 

For example, at the entry to the sanctuary came the inscription from the psalms, “I was glad when they said, let us go into the house of the Lord”. At the baptismal font it read, “Go into all the world, baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” At the education wing was posted a plaque with the words from psalm 27, “Teach me thy way O Lord, and lead me.” And above the choir room door they put the words from psalm 100, “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” 

But when they came to the nursery, no one quite knew which words from Scripture to place there by the infants and toddlers. Finally, after much discussion, they decided on those great words from St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, “We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed.” 

Again, I love that story. Gloria Dei is a large church and getting larger. More and more people are connecting with the good news of Jesus in and through this place. As such, we have a continuing need for volunteers in all areas of the church’s life together. And it is a privilege for all of us to serve. 

One of the areas in which we need more volunteer help is in the nursery during our two Sunday worship services. This is an extremely important role, and you are needed. It is vital that parents of infants and toddlers have a nurturing place to leave their kids while they spend an hour in worship. We anticipate for those who sign up, it will mean 2 or 3 times per year that you would serve in the nursery. If you are willing to be part of this important ministry, please use the link provided, or go to our website under “Sign Ups and Happenings”. Katie Zuraff, our nursery coordinator, will be in touch with you. And of course, for all of those serving with our children and youth, background checks will be done. Thank you for considering being part of this vital and joy-filled ministry. 

A Few Announcements: 

  1. High School Mission Trip. Please keep in your prayers this week our High School Youth who are heading out on Sunday to the Dallas area for a Mission and Service Trip. This is the first out of state mission trip since Covid. Pastor Sarah, Sandy Berven, and many other adults will be accompanying our busload of youth who will be serving, worshiping, and having a great time together in Christ’s name.
  2. Second Saturday Supper. During the summer, and possibly on into the fall, we will be providing a meal following the Saturday night worship service. Worship is at 5:00 p.m. and supper will start immediately following, at 6:00 p.m. So, all of you Saturday worshipers, and others who maybe haven’t tried Saturday worship before, this is your chance to share in worship and fellowship. Our first Saturday Supper will be on July 8. Come and enjoy!
  3. Root Beer Floats. This weekend is Father’s Day. We are grateful to God for the gift of Fathers and families of all shapes and sizes. As a special treat this Father’s Day, we will have Root Beer Floats available between services on Sunday, and after the 5 pm service on Saturday. Again, Come and Enjoy! 

For this weekend in worship, please read Acts chapters 22 to 28.  

See you in worship. 

Pastor Tim 

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