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Royal Priesthood

Hello Gloria Dei,

Pastor Amy here. I hope you are doing well today. It is hard to believe it is the middle of August already. The middle of August always seems like a transition time for me. We are nearing the end of summer and preparing for fall. Kids are going back to school, nights are getting darker sooner, and we are preparing for fall programming here at Gloria Dei. Keep an out on our website to find out everything that is happening at Gloria Dei this fall. It is a great time to step into a Bible study, help out with youth programming, or volunteer to serve our community.

We are also nearing the end of our sermon preaching series on Martin Luther, the founder of the Lutheran church. The last three weeks we have been able to dive into Luther’s work and see how even over 500 years later the reformer’s ideas shape our faith life.  

This weekend we will be diving into the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers. Using 1 Peter 2:9 and other scripture, Martin Luther proclaimed that we all become part of God’s royal priesthood in our baptism. Being described as part of a “royal priesthood” may seem intimidating, but it simply means that we are all called to love and serve God in all that we do.  This royal priesthood cannot be contained to the church or any other building, instead we serve God in our houses, at our workplaces, and in our community. 

The approach of fall can be such a busy time, but please take a moment or two to reflect on the face that God is working through us in all we do. So, whether today finds you working in the office, mowing a lawn, preparing for school, cleaning the house, caring for a parent, enjoying a moment of quiet, or anywhere else; know that, in whatever you are doing you are at work glorifying God.

I hope to see you this weekend, in person or online, as we learn more about how we live as part of God’s royal priesthood.  Plan to read 1 Peter 2:2-10 to prepare for worship.

In Christ,

Pastor Amy

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