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Thank You, Volunteers

Hello Gloria Dei,

Happy Month of May! This month gets busy for lots of people and families, as another school year wraps up, graduations take place, and possible summer trips are planned.

I’d like to take this opportunity to say a big “THANK YOU” to all our church-school teachers, confirmation small group leaders, youth workers, choir directors, bible study leaders, outreach volunteers, kitchen volunteers, nursery and worship volunteers, prayer team members, quilters, and I could go on and on.

There are so many people, many volunteering behind the scenes, who make this Christ-centered ministry so alive and vibrant. Again, THANK YOU to all of you, members and friends of Gloria Dei, for taking your Christian faith seriously and joyfully.

This weekend we continue in our preaching series “A New Look at Some Old Stories” as we hear once again the great account of Noah and the Ark. Please read Genesis 9:8-21.

And as a reminder, we are exploring the possibility of a capital campaign to fund added space to our current church facility. With our current growth, and with Jesus’ Great Commission in mind, I encourage and invite all of you to participate in this Readiness Study by attending one of our Focus Group Meetings over the next six weeks. The purpose of these meetings is to give everyone in our congregation an opportunity to hear the proposed expansion vision for Gloria Dei and to provide input and insight into this process.

Focus group meetings will be held immediately following all Saturday 5pm, *Sunday 9am, and 10:30am services between May 11th and June 23rd.

*Childcare for the focus group meetings will be provided after each of the 9:00 a.m. services.

Meeting Location: Gloria Dei Chapel on the East end of the campus.

Please check your schedules and mark your calendar for one of these very important meetings. Again, it is best if everyone from the congregation attends one of the Focus Groups. Each presentation will last approximately 40 minutes. You will then have an opportunity to ask questions and to answer a brief, but important questionnaire before the meeting is concluded. It is helpful for us to know numbers; please sign up here.

Pastor Tim

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