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Vacation Bible School & Dei Camp

Hello Gloria Dei, 

Summer means lots of opportunities for kids at Gloria Dei. I want to highlight two of those opportunities. 

First, Vacation Bible School. June 10-14. VBS at Gloria Dei is for children with birthdays before 8/31-2020 through those who have completed Kindergarten this past school year. Kids will learn about Jesus’ love through crafts, stories, songs, skits, science, games, and more. VBS goes from 9:00 a.m. to Noon each day. For VBS registration, click here. 

Second, Dei Camp. July 22-25. Dei Camp at Gloria Dei is for children who have recently completed Kindergarten through 5th grade. Dei Camp runs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. each day, and students will learn about Jesus while having fun, with stories, songs, lunch, games, all the while making new friendships. For Dei Camp registration, click here. 

Dei Camp is so popular that we are in need of more volunteers. We don’t want to turn any of the children away. So, adults, High Schoolers, Middle Schoolers, we need your help. Please sign up to help with Dei Camp, either some or all of the days. For Dei Camp volunteer registration, click here. THANK YOU! 

And once again, I want to remind you that we continue our Focus Group Meetings to see if we are ready to launch into a capital campaign for future expansion. If you haven’t had the chance to attend one of the meetings, please do so. Your voice is needed. 

Meetings happen after each of the three weekend services through June 23, with childcare available following the 9 a.m. service each week. We have added two midweek meeting opportunities as well. Wednesday June 5th and 12th at 6:00 p.m. in the Gloria Dei chapel. There will also be a Zoom Meeting available on Sunday, June 16, at 8:00 a.m. The Zoom link will be sent in next week’s Friday Followings. 

For this weekend in worship, we continue our look at “Favorite Bible Passages.” This week, I’ve chosen the miracle of Jesus feeding the 5000 with only five loaves of bread and two fish. Read all about it in John 6:1-15. It is certainly one of my favorites. 

See you in worship. 

Pastor Tim 

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